For the record, I'm neither an academic nor a scholar, and admittedly, I've never been to many of the places posted here. So if someone should find a mistake, or believe I omitted something, please feel free to email me and I'll correct it.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022


The world’s irrational obsession with Israel is simply mindboggling. Every single day, literally, the anti-Semites would come up with a brand new excuse to hate Israel and Jews in general. Today, Israel is supposed to be an apartheid state. In yesteryear, Israel stole land from the Palestinians, and before the Palestinians, the Arabs. In the last 50 years, the country had been the receiver of more resolutions against it from that Pile of Shit in New York than any other country combined – and that includes the likes of Iran, North Korea, China, or Venezuela. But why? A couple of reasons. Primarily, because Israel is a Jewish country and no one likes that. Another reason, which is just as compelling, is that the Jews, as the indigenous people of Israel, won back its homeland and reestablished a successful independent country. This quietly serves as an inspiration, not just for the other indigenous populations in the Middle East and North Africa that are under Arab occupation such as the Copts in Egypt, the Assyrians and Kurds in Iraq, and the Amazigh (Berbers) in North Africa, etc. (which after all, is the theme of this blog, isn’t it?) but also to those beyond the region. This, I’m sure, give the dominant populations in those countries a little discomfort.

Today, Israel has been very active on the world stage but just as active a history, something the Zionists refuse to acknowledge. For a listing of past leaders of Israel, see this posting on this blog. For the latest news and analysis, I recommend (and I’m sure some might disagree with me) the Jerusaslem Post website.


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